The quality of the mets and the culinary specialities made its reputation: Pissaladière, olive oil, wine of Bellet, salad niçoise, stockfish, socca, small-stuffed tepid, torta with the blettes, lemons and tangerines...   Town of sport and culture, it always occurs some thing in the capital from the Riviera;  the Carnival, the battles of flowers, the musical flâneries on the Walk of the English, the exposures to topics in the 16 museums and galleries, the Festival of jazz, the international athletics meeting NIKAIA, the concerts of the Academy International of summer, the many concerts, parts of théatre and operas...   With the port, you will be able to embark for Corsica or mysterious Iles of Lerins.   Laissez to allure itself!, we await you.
cote soleil

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