Generals infos.

By plane


By train

By road


Paris - Nice

931 km

Bordeaux - Nice

810 Km

Lyon - Nice

440 Km

Marseille - Nice

190 Km

Strasbourg - Nice

868 Km

Athènes - Nice

2597 Km

Bruxelles - Nice

1280 Km

Genève - Nice

485 Km

Madrid - Nice

1315 Km

Rome - Nice

695 Km


56 air lines are connecting NICE COTE D'AZUR AIRPORT with 90 cities in 40 countries. 36 airline companies are present. 6,2 million passengers are passing in transit, each year, through NICE. The traffic may reach 10 million passengers in the year 2000. 42 per cent of the traffic is international. There is also what we may call an airlift between NICE and PARIS : 185 flights per week. And 942 flights are proposed to the passengers of the Great French-Italian Riviera : NICE is the main door to the South Europe. The NICE COTE D'AZUR AIRPORT, which will celebrate this year its 50 years, confirms its rank as the first airport platform of France. Its activity produces over 19 million Francs per year of economic consequences.

The NICE COTE D'AZUR AIRPORT is set on the Promenade des Anglais, in the west of the town, 7 kilometres away from the centre and in the vicinity of the Arenas Business Centre and of the industrial parks of La Plaine 1, Saint Isidore and Lingostière.


CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE ET D'INDUSTRIE NICE CÔTE D'AZUR, tél. : (+33) (0)4 93 21 30 73, fax : (+33) (0)4 93 2131 81

AEROPORT : (+33) (0)4 93 21 30 30

BORDER POLICE : (+33) (0)4 93 72 71 71

INTERNATIONAL VACCINATIONS : (+33) (0)4 93 21 38 81



- a bus service operates regularly between the town centre and the railway station, departure every thirty minutes.
- Taxis at the terminals exits.
- Car rental, branches in the airport hall.

- NICE / MONACO, NICE / ST TROPEZ, through private firms, departure every twenty minutes.


Nice is linked to the whole of Europe by a dense motorway network. A bypass motorway, allows, by the laying-out of five exits, to reach without difficulty the quarter of one's preferences. The parking space for 19 000 cars is a solution to all the parking problems in the district.

Furthermore, the department's infrastructure, full of tourist routes has gained from improvements carried out in the past years and eases the hinterland's discovery in the best possible conditions

Les routes touristiques menant à NICE :

ROUTE NAPOLEON - Digne, Castellane, Grasse, Cannes, Golfe-Juan et Nice.

VALLEE DU VAR - Digne, Puget-Théniers, Nice

GORGES DE LA ROYA - Col de Tende, Sospel, Menton, Nice.

ROUTE NATIONALE 7 - Fréjus, Saint Raphaël, Cannes, Nice, ou Menton, Monaco, Eze, Nice.



The roads condition : Regional centre of Road Information - Centre regional d'Informations routieres, TEL : (+33) 04 91 78 78 78.

The coach links : international and national regular coach services, Coach Station - Gare routiere de Nice, Promenade du Paillon, TEL : (+33) 04 93 85 61 81 or 04 93 80 08 70.



The SNCF (French Rail) is operating 20 daily links from the big French town and 11 regular links from abroad to Nice. The TGV ( high-speed train) links up Paris and Nice in six and a half hours - 2 links per day from October to May, 3 from June to September.

The "car-sleeper train" service is running between the big French towns : the cars are transported in the same time as their owners, who may have the use of the sleeper train.

The "Hotel-Train" service is an SNCF offer and includes the fare and reservation of a hotel for the night in Nice.



Railway Station-Gare SNCF, avenue Thiers, tél. : (+33) 36 35 35 35

Discovery of the hinterland with the CHEMINS DE FER DE PROVENCE : NICE / DIGNE - daily links - information and bookings: tel. : (+33) (0)4 93 82 10 17

Car rental, TEL : (+33) 08 05 325 325

The coast is served by a dense SNCF bus network.


In the heart of the town, the port of Nice consists of a ten hectares lake, seven hectares platforms and ten or so quays. The big shipping companies and numerous cruising liners are calling at Nice.

There is a regular car-ferries service to Corsica.

Nice is a sailing resort with all the related services : mooring on floating bridges, catways, quays, towing dock, launderette, ice distribution, fuel, showers, bathrooms, telephone, cable TV, daily weather reports and boat hire.



Capitainerie du Port, 2 quai d'Entrecasteaux,
tél. : (+33) (0)4 93 89 50 85, fax : (+33) 92 04 95 (0)4 93

Chamber of Commerce, quai Infernet, tél. : (+33) 92 00 42 42, fax : (+33) 92 00 42 10

Corsica links : SNCM, quai du commerce, tél. : (+33) (0)4 93 13 66 66, fax : (+33) (0)4 93 13 66 81 CORSICA FERRIES, tél. : (+33) (0)4 93 55 55 55, fax : (+33) (0)4 93 55 22 12


Boat hire:

Destination Azur - boats, hot air balloons: tél. : (+33) (0)4 93 55 73 51,

fax : (+33) (0)4 93 56 03 54

Locaventure - inflatable dinghies, canoes, kayaks: tél.: (+33) (0)4 93 56 14 67,

fax : (+33) (0)4 93 56 75 72

Moorings - eight to fifteen meters yachts, from April to October : tél. : (+33) 92 00 42 22,

fax : (+33) (0)4 93 92 00 42 20

Three'B - tél. : (+33) (0)4 93 56 55 05, fax : (+33) (0)4 9326 78 79