The hotel infrastructure, the second after Paris, has managed to adapt itself to this evolution and answers perfectly, in terms of quality of service, geographic distribution, the needs of the congress clientele. Nice has become the second French town after Paris, in terms of business tourism, and one of the first European centres of congresses. Acropolis, the Arts, Tourism and Congress Centre, has been voted, for three years running "the best European Congress Centre". It is, today, the leader in the medical congress field with a high taking part ( 6000 to 12000 persons). Its positioning on the gap of the strictly professional events has been deciding. Its technology and its logistics have allowed the acquiring of a coveted place in the "company agreement and car launch" market. Its operation is gaining by the development of the big congresses' loyalty, received since the opening, such as CARDIOSTIM, CONGRESS OF THE EUROPEAN SOCIETY OF CARDIOLOGY, INTERNATIONAL DENTAL DAYS OF NICE, SUPER YACHT, etc. Despite the development of numerous congress centres in the world, Acropolis is keeping the highest ranking, thanks to its high-level equipment. The events organised at Acropolis represent thirty-five per cent of the total amount of international and national events, but they total seventy per cent of the professional events' frequenting. 725 000 participants at the congresses have already been welcomed, in ten years, at Acropolis, for an average stay of two to three days, that is to say 240 to 260 million Euros which are directly pumped into the economy of Nice every year. Most hotels also have conference facilities for seminars and meetings