- In city center the Splendid ****is manager for three
generations by the same family
- The sea, shopping area, old town and Massean museum
are neardy ...
- Warm and relaxing the desk and the lobby are devoted
to comfort but also work as conference facilities are
same level
- Rooms are comfortable with air conditioning a full
bathroom, satellite TV channel include CNN and BBC, mini
bar, hair dryer, etc.. "Deluxe" rooms also hace a
terrasse, trousers press and individual safes...
- Le Concerto restaurant features fine mediterranean
cooking with outdoor dining...
- For relaxation two bars, one in the lobby and topsail
bar on the 8th floor wich panoramic views on the city and
the Alps...
- Breakfast will be served also also on 8th floor in a
panoramic dining room also ideal for your banqueting
- On 8th floor panoramic solar beated swimming pool,
beauted jacuzzi, sun drenched, terrasse, leisure in city